09 June 2006

Damn the man!

No no, not man, just THE man. And you all know whom I mean. I'm not talking about my boyfriend or my father or my senator (although he would be the closest)...just the man. I realized today that I am making $600 less a month since I graduated AND I have a few new monthly bills. No wonder I've been so stressed out! As Wendy said, "That makes a lot of sense, and here I thought it was all about only having a push-mower!" Why didn't any of this occur to me, that simply by graduating I lost one of my jobs AND my dad cut me off. Now I'm completely cut off from family finances, which I suppose is fine and what I want and plenty fair, but I look at a lot of my friends in the same situation right now and at least they get to live at home where they don't pay rent and can feed off the leftovers of last night's dinner out. When I talked to my father a few months ago about living with him in Texas for a while, he talked about charging me rent. Hmmm. Yes, that's fair. No, I have never expected to mooch off my parents. But...but...? Does anyone know what I mean? Especially since he's had a rather significant absence in my life, financially as well...it's just terrible because I'm going to have to suck it up and get another crap job just because anything that's meaningful to me either doesn't exist or takes three years to make a hiring decision.


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