15 March 2006

Candy Girl

I was thinking that I could be a chocolatier, most likely later in life when I have the time and money--not to mention a knowledge of the world's flavors and formulas, but I could make the most elegant confections and they'd taste so good! Why the hell did we never think of that as a job for me? Remember my childhood holiday and birthday wish lists? "1. Barbies 2. Candy" Are those not what most-to-all of my chore-money purchased? Since my interest in collecting plastic dolls has somewhat waned, I'd say I'm more likely to invest in the latter. As it is, I bake such tasty, pretty little things, and if it were CANDY, well, hey! Plus, I could do something political with it, like be a famous FAIR-TRADE chocolatier who uses recycled packaging and animal-friendly ingredients!


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