18 February 2006

My Guru

My guru, you fill me with a light like none other. You make me see all that is good and beautiful and right in the world, because you shine your own light upon it, making it impossible to be missed. When my own clouds of distraction darken my life and block out your rays, they pour down their sorrows and I am soaked with pools of doubt, loneliness, and despair until they become so heavy I start to drown. At that moment, you burst forth like the sun to part the clouds, dry up all the rain, and help this itsy-bitsy spider come up the spout again
And as if any of that weren't enough, you dispell darkness through me. You increase my desire to share the light and warmth and love with the other people in whom I see it so that it can shine brighter and burn hotter and spread farther and farther, leading us into peace and love and beauty for all eternity. I see this light in you, and it burns me to my soul like none other has reached me, my guru.


Blogger Mike said...

the audience calls for a new film, even if there is only one of us we sit in the back lonely waiting for your dream stories to fill our voids, sil vous plat spelling? its really hard when they take off the last letter or two.... peace and love


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