24 January 2006

No need to be coy, Roy.

I think that if I ever have a daughter, I shall name her Pangea. I can call her Gia for short, and she will be a bridge to the reunification of the world.
Now, on to other things, isn't toffee nice? Whou would have thought that the combination of butter and sugar and the right temperature could make one's mouth so savory? I think, perhaps, that one day I shall become a confectioner and open a sweets shop. How the children will love me! But seriously. Maybe people do need to sweeten up their lives, live their fantasies, spend time to spend time, slow down, feel the fabrics and smell the candles and taste the food around them. Drink tea, please. Drink it for me. And drinking for me will be more for you and for them and for everyone, because that's what we call love, that connected good-feeling that makes you want to spread it just so it'll come round your way again and it'll be your turn to make someone else feel so great, that's what love is.


Blogger Jen said...

Tea is a wonderful thing. Have you been to Teavana yet? It's like a little piece of Heaven for the tea lovers. All organic ingredients, really really really good tea.


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