29 May 2007

Dear Dad

It's hard to believe that my "trial semester" in Alpine is already finished. I had exp3cted to have made other living arrangements by this time, but I had anticipated moving to another location, getting a different job, moving on...well, I really lucked out with my job. It doesn't pay the best, of course, but it's better than anything I've ever had, there's the promise of benefits and health care, and it's a really good start with room to rise. I think I need to rest a while, to "bloom where I am planted" as Granny would say, and let the sun shine in. I expect there to be shady spots, and I'll need to at least "rotate my crops" by getting another degree, travel more--heck, you and I still need to plan our backpacking trip! It seems so sudden and so soon to have found a man I want to live with and take care of and take care of me, but I know you understand that love isn't about timing, and life isn't about wasting time waiting for a better time. Misha is a really good man--in spirit, in deed, in words, and I think he and I are not only well-suited but also good for each other. I know I haven't always been the best roommate, and I'm sorry if I took advantage of the situation too selfishly or was ungrateful using you as a crutch. I was very happy for the opportunity to hang out, put my head on your shoulder and sob out all my heartache, cheer up with goofy dances like our "Minuet in G", and just be your friend. I still want that. I want to be your good neighbor. I want us to continue playing raquetball a night or two a week, hitting the gym, going to movies, going for a drive or for Bingo or out to lunch, and I will come over to make dinner or eat dinner or watch the sunset with a gin and tonic, I'll be around to throw the ball to Sandy and change Miss Kitty's litterbox. I hope it's alright with her staying with you for now. I miss and love my kitty dearly, and I wish I could have her with me, but all four dogs would be too much trauma, and I don't think she'd be safe with Cleo (has already tasted blood) or Domino (she shares the intelligence level of most Basset Hounds--remember how Bailey would terrorize Miss Kitty even though she and Grunt had been friends for years?). Che would want to play with her, rather, get into a boxing match with her, although he is young enough where he could be trained to "be NICE to our kit-ty" (a la Dr. Evil). Mika is also young, and she's so gentle I really wouldn't worry about it. But I love them all, even though they can be a handful, and I would never ask Misha to give them up. At least Miss Kitty is nearby where I can see her often, and at least she's already happily established in a loving home. Thanks for all your hospitality and help. I love you and am so glad you're my Papa! Love, Alexis Joy


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