22 July 2006

Baby's on the Special K diet. Fuck waxing. Counterfuck isolation by going on a date. Fuck your so-called friends after your date reveals the truth about them. Get purple heels to match your purple wheels on the bike with the basket for the baggage. Baggage claim is ironic; who wants it? Unfortunately, you have to be going somewhere to leave it behind.

19 July 2006


Why the H-Div don't they have hot pink as an optional text color? Honestly, when a person is in a specific mood she shouldn't be limited to only seventy colors, ten of which are approximate shades of black and white. That being said, I just spent the last twenty minutes talking to a travel agent on the phone, only to respond to his final question of "Do you have any final questions?" with a question of my own: "How does a person get the kind of job you have?" Man alive. But really, that job would rock. I'd get to tell people where to go and how to get there all day long, and if I had my own business/agency it would of course be so popular and thus so successful financially that I really could tell people to go straight to hell in a handbasket if I felt so inclined!

14 July 2006

Happy Bastille Day!
Yes, I ized talked to my papa tonight and have learned that he has applied for a job where Psycho Bitch lives. However, the good news is that he offered to help me out with my health insurance, and he even brought it up! Still no hablo con hermano, but whatev. On another note, I love it when I leave work smiling. Today was so nice at the nursing home, despite the routine, "Oh great, (anonymous person) has pissed herself in the armchair" nuisances, and I felt really close to people and had a lot of fun with them, both residents and workers. I really wish I could work on the Rossberg unit all the time. Perhaps I can when/if I get CNA certified, although I would probably remain an activity aide and I imagine they'd need me in the other wings. Yeah...it's nice to feel connected with people, and every day is a challenge to me to be patient enough to understand the needs of others and be the person to fufil those needs for them or help them to the point where they feel self-sufficient enough to live their lives again. And it's hard, too, seing so many people frustrated with their situations and missing home or isolated, and I can understand why so many people's minds go elsewhere to leave the body behind. I guess something I realized today is that maybe I should encourage people to be where they're happiest. For example, some of the residents are really social and enjoy visiting with the staff and residents, joining the activities, etc., and some of them are so far out of it that they are incomprehensible. But I guess what I really learned today is that those who are somewhere else are often happier there, and I went there with one of the residents today. She is very cuddly and funny, and we definately shared a moment, one in which I understood her and slipped into her world, off of what to her (and probably is the truth) is a big stage, and she let me in on the secret of mind travel and interconnectedness all without saying a word, all with a wink in her eye and some small comment that reminded me of Thoreau and why I love to sit in my backyard Walden or the magic world of my Euro-beatnick coffeehouse I dream-painted behind the brick pillar in my loft...and it was so precious of her to show me the gift of being a nonconformist and a peaceful person and who/where I want to be in my own life.