21 November 2005


Yes yes, it's Thanksgiving to be and I am unable to to see what I am even typing. You realize, of course, that this color upon a white background leaves much to be given credit and responsibility to the knowoledge of your finger muscles. I bet I'm making no sense whatsoever, but who cares? There are so many other things to care about so why are we concerned about the technicalities? I've realized I'm totally animistic. It's beautiful, really, but when it comes down to it, I'm not sure that many others are. Perhaps it's a crazy thing to be animistic. But I think it's beautiful and I think it's a beautiful part of me, and I wouldn't be me without it. I'm so excited to spend time with my family. I'm going to Denver on Wednesday to spend the holiday with Dad and Zeb. They're really special, and I'm glad we'll have this. I think we all need each other right now, like we make up some kind of trinity like the US branches of government, that put each other in a system of checks and balances. Zeb provides the positive, the assurance of the NOW, that things are going well and love is around and success is happening. Dad gives us the past, the knowledge and the experience and wisdom if you will; he provides the age. I provide the future, the anxieites and excitement that it hasn't come yet, that hope is around and that now may not carry over, all the youth for any love.


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