19 March 2007

Biking home tonight, I saw a shooting star and instinctively wished to find--and know--my true love. I believe we wish for such things because they last and therefore are of the utmost importance. We do not spend our one magic wish on a perfect career or a material possession; we save for an early retirement and insure the tangible goods for their monetary worth post-loss or destruction; those things that are dearest to us are so because of their sentimental value, because they reminded us of love and caused us to feel it. Marriage is a commitment of two for life, and yes, sometimes the life as we know it of one person may end, despite a continual pulse, and divorce becomes necessary. I thought I had found such a commitment, or at least I had made one. I was told I had the wrong agenda. Talk about star-crossed...

18 March 2007

Sweet Mental/Dental Decay

I seek out and submit to sweets, those things so sweet my teeth hurt. I fall for every line, every time. Rather, I dive headfirst off a firm foundation into my cavities. ("Iknowhe'sbloodbutyoucanstillturnhimawayyoudon'towehimanything")

12 March 2007


For the first time in some very dark ages, I feel the hope of recovering. "Recovery" is a strange word in that its Latin-to-Middle French counterpart implies other than the prefix and verb/noun today's native English speaker would automatically identify. Part of the problem is that I have been "covering" myself; doing so again would hardly help in any situation other than a dinosaur attack. Indeed, I have lived under fear of a dinosaur attack, of recurrent thoughts of my past and its ability to cause me nearly fatal wounds. In some sense, I do find the act of joining MySpace, of all saviours, one that shelters me and my desire to express freely that which I fear will provoke in my Blogger audience, small as it is (but then again, so were many of those Powerful Predators of the Past), and vise-versa. However, in embracing its original meaning, my recovery is based off of finding my identity, and I am not a lamp to be shaded! It is unfair to me and everyone else that I censer myself; I am one, as are we all. In looking at a disc of photos burned into my memory and hard drive, a collection I have so many times avoided viewing, I found myself falling back in time and, surprisingly, in love--not, as one and I would assume, with my ex, but with myself, like I knew this young woman, and I was falling in love for the very first time. As my eyes adjusted from their accustomed darkness, I was blinded by the glare of the light he saw in me, the light that used to be there. And even though I had snuffed out my flame with the suspicion he could not long tolerate the brightness, I felt it glow beneath the coals and soot enough to appreciate how he loved me in his own little way, how he is a beautiful artist with so much to give if he only knew how, and even though a few teary rainclouds haze my horizon at the memory of my wish and willingness to teach him, I can be glad of the flickering , faultering light on my way to the bonfire.

03 March 2007

Positivity is apparent through my use of font color. Isn't it pretty? I'm waiting for Andrew to get back with a pizza. Ghana is on, and this summer may be Parisian. I spent today in the bath with a pot of tea, stainless steel, and Paula Cole. "My anger is my new best friend / Careful, I might bite your head off." I've been recently described as a tiger. I guess it's because I'm stripey. Her album is Tiger Lily, and I like that mixed imagery for myself, because it makes me seem both fierce and fragrant. Right now I'm wilted.