10 October 2008
18 September 2008

07 September 2008
Pollyanna Hates the Glad Game
Oh, there's nothing more tragic than the day Pollyanna cannot find anything to be glad about staying in bed. "No, it was a silly game. I hate it. I'll never want to play it again."
15 August 2008
21 July 2008
Settling Down?

I landed in this town a year and a half ago, expecting it to be a stepping stone. Now I anticipate building my career, my family, my life here. This environment is much different from the urban lifestyle I had imagined, but I think it may be more suitable. In many ways I suspect that my desire for urban living is based largely off consumerism; often I will wish for product availability, a better selection at the cinema, an ethnic restaurant. Another dream of mine has been to reside in a somewhat utopian community where I can promote recycling and adopt a highway, buy eggs from my neighbors, and provide/improve education in the local school system, university, or within the community. Why do I feel torn, as though my future were tour package options and I have only one Great Vacation? Sometimes I feel as though my wonderful opportunities have placed expectations on me. Because I have traveled far and experienced great things, I think my family, for example, assumes that I would not find happiness doing anything else, or that eventually I will end up in a loft apartment where I belong. Yes, I am still young and fabulous, but things that sound appealing at 21 are lonelier at 25. It is time for me to start establishing roots and growing strong. I believe I can continue traveling and learning while living a modest, happy home life in the sun the rest of the year. I believe I can accomplish what I want, have it all, and be well, and this hope has brought me peace.
04 June 2008
Maybe it’s because I am more interested in childbirth than I used to be, but it seems as though cesarean births are increasingly common. Why is this? It seems so unnatural to cut a child from the womb when a canal is provided. On the other hand, I imagine myself needing sedation just to get through it mentally. I panic at the image of even a much-desired baby ripping and clawing its way out of my body; as everyone knows, for a few short moments the fetus transforms into an alien determined to destroy its host as it leaves. Is it wrong and unnatural to use painkillers for this simple act of life? I love the idea of myself giving birth without drugs, without being cut open, and using only my good birthing hips. However, if state of mind matters, I would have died in childbed in the Middle Ages.